Congratulations on earning an interview with a top engineering organization in your region. However, there’s one major difference that needs to be considered – the company scheduled you for a phone interview. You needn’t worry, as businesses typically use this type of interview when they are swamped with candidates or don’t have a large HR staff.
Ultimately, you need to treat a phone interview in the same manner as the “normal” version. With success – and a potential job offer – in mind, here are a few tips on how to give your best performance. Good luck!
Preparation is Still Important
You need to study for a phone interview in the same way as the in-person version. The night before, spend time reviewing your own résumé, concentrating on your technical skills and professional experience. Expect to be asked probing questions into both areas.
At the same time, research the company in question so you are able to ask a meaningful question or two when prompted. Understanding the company’s history, office culture, and project work definitely helps your questioning.
Create a Cheat Sheet for the Phone Interview
One advantage over the phone interview is it lets you use a cheat sheet filled with useful information, like questions to ask the interviewer, a summary of your work experience, and highlighted engineering skills. Refer to it during the interview, but try not to shuffle any paper. Ultimately, a cheat sheet helps you speak clearly about your fit for the company’s open position.
Prepare Your Interview Space
If you have a home office, it provides a perfect space for a phone interview. If not, be sure to prepare an area to accept their call. Finding a room behind a closed door helps ensure you won’t be disturbed by pets, kids, or roommates during the interview. Keeping all distractions to a minimum is essential, as is a fully-charged smartphone.
Phone Interview Practice Helps Your Performance
If you are unfamiliar with the phone interview format, get a friend to conduct a practice interview. This is also a smart approach for a regular interview, but you especially need to get used to answering questions over the phone while using your résumé and cheat sheet as references. Make sure your friend asks tough questions with probing follow-ups as well.
When you need help with your engineering job search, speak with the expert recruiters at Peyton Resource Group. As one of the top staffing agencies in Texas, we help candidates take their careers to a higher level. Connect with us soon!