You’ve been doing a great job in your current role, and feel ready to take things to the next level. Ultimately, a managerial position – or even more – lies at the heart of your professional dreams. So a simple question remains: how do you approach your boss to let them know you need more responsibility?
Using tact when asking your boss is essential. With an eye towards following that career path upwards, here are a few tips on letting your manager know you want more responsibility. Maybe a corner office is somewhere in your future?
Consistently Exceed the Company’s Expectations for You
Display the extra drive to constantly exceed the duties in your current job description. Mentor new employees, display leadership among your peers, and arrive early and stay late at the office. You need to proactively demonstrate you possess the capabilities for success as a manager.
Ultimately, going the extra mile in this manner definitely gets you noticed.
Be Sure to Think Like an Owner
Change your mindset to one shared by the managerial team or ownership at your employer. In essence, simply start thinking of the big picture. When discussing more responsibility with your boss, having a few insights to improve the company’s operational efficiency and subsequent profitability definitely helps your chances at a promotion.
Your Manager is Your Client – Sell Yourself
Essentially, your boss is really your client when it comes to asking for more responsibility. As such, sell yourself, including your current accomplishments, and your ideas for using those newfound responsibilities. It’s a worthy approach for convincing them you are the right person for a managerial role.
Find the Right Time to Make Your Pitch
Asking your boss for a promotion during crunch time on a heavy project isn’t the smartest idea. Wait for a good time to speak with them, i.e. not after they just got back from vacation. After a successful project or some other office accomplishment generally works the best.
A Confident Approach Works Best
Provided you followed all these other tips, exuding natural confidence when talking with your boss works best. Provide an action plan that details your additional responsibilities along with the potential mentoring of coworkers to pick up your older duties if you get a full promotion. In short, act like the manager you want to become.
If you need help taking your career to the next level, speak with the insightful team at Peyton Resource Group. As one of the top staffing agencies in the Southwest, we know the companies looking for emerging talent. Connect with us soon!