Selling Yourself During a Phone Interview

Companies tend to get swamped whenever they post about an open position. Subsequently, their HR team gets inundated with potentially hundreds of résumés; requiring an inordinate amount of time to parse through all those candidates. To speed up the process, businesses are increasingly turning to phone interviews for an initial screening of their candidate pool.

Here are a few tips and tricks on how to nail your phone interview performance. Selling yourself without relying on body language and eye contact requires different tactics. Let’s take a closer look.

Study the Night Before Your Interview

Just like with an in-person interview, study your résumé, especially your skills and professional experience, the night before. Sure, you can have a printed copy next to you when on the phone, but it’s better to keep that information at the forefront of your mind. That way, you are able speak clearly and confidently without pause.

Additionally, research the company in question, including their culture, project work and leadership team. This lets you ask a meaningful query or two when prompted.

Prepare Printed Notes to Use During the Phone Interview

Take advantage of a phone interview to make a set of notes covering highlights from your résumé and experience. Include some questions to ask the interviewer. Notes are easier to refer to during the interview compared to an actual résumé.

Create a Space Without Distractions

Finding a quiet space for the phone interview is essential. If at home, use a room with a door to keep your cat or dog from interjecting at the wrong moment. Be sure there is enough space for your notes and possibly your résumé and cover letter.

Interview Practice is Still Important

Practicing for your phone interview is as vital as the in-person version, perhaps even more so. This is especially the case if you’ve never been on a phone interview. Work with a friend to ensure your voice sounds confident over the phone.

If possible, record the interview to highlight areas for additional practice. Without body language to rely on, the quality of your voice plays an important role in a successful outcome. As one final tip, turn off call waiting and notifications, so you aren’t disturbed when interviewing.

If you need additional advice on your job search, speak with the knowledgeable team at Peyton Resource Group. As one of the top staffing agencies in Texas, we know the companies looking for talented professionals like you. Connect with us as soon as possible!

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